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A.P.P.L.E – Abilities Plus Potential Leads to Excellence

Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities offers a disability awareness program called A.P.P.L.E. This program is provided in various settings, such as school classrooms, community businesses, social groups, churches and other types of places.  Presentations are available for all age groups and custom designed for the group. Presentations range from 15 minutes to 1 hour. A variety of tools are used in the presentation, including videos, models with disabilities, literature and hands-on activities to demonstrate having a disability. The goal of the program is to teach the concept that people are more alike than different, and to encourage people to accept others' differences in all places.

Kids on the Block

This fun, interactive program utilizes Kids on the Block puppets to educate elementary students about disabilities. The puppets perform upbeat and lively skits demonstrating what it is like to be a child with a disability. This gives students a better understanding of disabilities, and hopefully, leads to a greater acceptance of peers with special needs. At the end of each program, students can ask questions and interact directly with the puppets. Each performance is 40-60 minutes and multiple performances can be scheduled in a day. 

To schedule a disability awareness presentation, contact:

Tyson Goings

Family Support & Advocacy Coordinator

419-221-1385 ext. 1063

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