What is a Developmental Disability?
A developmental disability begins before the age of 22 and includes lifelong intellectual or physical disabilities. Federal and State laws officially define a developmental disability as a severe and chronic disability attributable to mental and/or physical impairment, other than mental illness, that manifested before the age of 22, is likely to continue indefinitely and results in substantial limitations in major life areas.
Who Qualifies?
Eligibility is a multi-step process; however, Intake Coordinators will guide the process. Documentation of the disability is required. This can be provided through the most recent school, medical, and psychological reports. If these are not available, the Intake Coordinators will assist in requesting needed records.
Once records are obtained, the Intake Coordinators will set up an appointment to complete a statewide eligibility assessment, which determines if substantial limitations exist. Once determined to be eligible for services, the individual will be connected to needed services. Eligibility is re-determined at ages 3, 6 and 16. Additionally, re-determinations may also be required. This means the individual might not always be eligible for services.
What if I Don't Qualify?
If an individual does not qualify for services, the individual has the right to appeal that decision. Regardless, if eligible or not, the Intake Coordinators will gather the information, assess the need and link the individual to resources and services in the community.
For more information, contact:
Alicia Longsworth
Intake/Support Services Coordinator - Children
419-221-1385, ext. 2353
Anne Dunbar
Intake/Support Services Coordinator - Adult
419-221-1385 ext. 1229