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Justin began his life’s journey spending 5 ½ months in a neonatal intensive care unit in Columbus. Today he is an active young man who was a micro-preemie at 1.9 lbs. With a family that loved and provided the best care for Justin, the Early Intervention (EI) team joined the Wilmoth family at the very beginning of a longer journey than some families experience. Today, Justin continues his academic pursuits and he has a very active social life. He enjoys sports and has played on an Allen County Abilities Baseball team for several years. Justin loves being part of a team. He has had the opportunity to participate with the FANS (Friends, Allies & Neighbors) group offered by the Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities and was thrilled to attend a football camp with the Bowling Green State University football players. He also participated in the Playmaker Camp where he was able to interact with local high school players and coaches. Justin loves people and loves to help others. His smile is contagious. 


After EI, the next part of Justin’s journey with the Board involved the Educational Consultant who attended school meetings at his grandma’s request. Justin has worked with a Service & Support Associate since 2017. An SSA connects the family to resources, and supports Justin and his family. He receives Individual Support Services for long distance travel to medical appointments, to purchase recommended sensory items and to obtain needed adaptive equipment.

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