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Supported Decision-Making: Your Choice. Your Rights.

The Allen County Board of DD, along with self-advocates and partners from Allen County Probate Court, Crime Victim Services, and Legal Aid of Western Ohio, recently hosted two informational sessions about Supported Decision-Making. We believe that every person has the right to make choices and decisions to self-direct their lives. Supported Decision-Making is one way that people with disabilities make their own informed choices with advice, guidance and information from people they trust.

The concept is not a new one; in fact, it is the way that most of us make decisions. For example, if my doctor says something that I do not understand, I might call my aunt who is a nurse for advice or more information. If my mechanic recommends a new service for my car, I might ask my father for his opinion and guidance. I use the concept of Supported Decision-Making every time I ask my network for help with making choices. People with disabilities may use their networks, or teams, to help support them when making decisions. Different types of decisions may require them to reach out to different people based on their expertise, but the concept remains the same. It might eliminate the need for a person to have a legal guardian, or it might help a family support their loved one with only a power

Here is a link to a short video made in Williams County that further explains Supported Decision-Making.

The experts who helped present information about Supported Decision-Making at our sessions are in the process of gathering further information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posed by the audience. We look forward to sharing those FAQs as a resource to anyone who is considering guardianship versus limited guardianship or a POA. In the meantime, if you have a question about Supported Decision-Making or guardianship, feel free to contact your Service and Support Associate from the Allen County Board of DD.

There is more information available here and a longer video from Williams County here.

We are so thankful for all our partners who helped present at the event, including Judge Derryberry from Probate Court, Stacy Hauff from Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Katie Campbell and Abby Hefflinger from Crime Victim Services, Angie Herzog from Marimor Industries, Anne Dunbar from Allen County Board of DD, and self-advocates Kenny and Jim. We are also thankful for Aktion Club, a Kiwanis service club, whose members volunteered at the event.

Please stay tuned for more information and resources as we receive them.

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