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Transition Services


A Transition SSA works with students, families and school employees to assist in special education experience, ensures transition planning is underway for students ages 14 and older, and connects families to the Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities for long-term services. The Transition SSA is available to help families navigate special education services, problem solve through educational issues, attend Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings and provide classroom observation for instructional strategies and supports. The Transition SSAs help guide students and the educational team with transition activities, including connecting the team with Employment First and Advocacy initiatives that will prepare all students for post high school needs.

Behavior Support


A team of behavioral support professionals work with children and families, as needed throughout the calendar year. Services are flexible and may occur in many types of settings. These children are first referred for eligibility. Services & supports are planned through the individual planning process with a Service and Support Associate (SSA) and Behavior Support Specialist (BSS). This service includes, weekly support to the students in the Allen County Educational Services Center classrooms at the 2550 Ada Rd building, including the Great Day Academy.  


Additionally for students in all other public schools, services may be provided under a grant from the Mental Health & Recovery Services Board. This is open to all schools in Allen, Auglaize and Hardin Counties who have students with challenging needs.  The service includes consultation, classroom observation and development of positive strategies.  For this service, the school completes a referral to the grant coordinator at the Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities. The request can be for a single student observation or to request training on behavior support strategies. These services can be provided one-on-one or in larger group settings.  The unique fact about this program is that the student or students do not have to be eligible for Board of Developmental Disabilities services to receive this assistance.



Other Supports


The Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities offers many other programs and supports that are available for students, families and schools. Check out the other website information and contact the employee listed for more information. 

For more information, contact:

Bethany Ernest

Advocacy & Access Manager

419-221-1385 ext. 3702

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