How do you find success in a job for more than three decades? Just ask Troy Mowery. “I’ve learned that doing the job and taking care of business is very important, and that you can only do what you can do, because you’re only one person.” Troy has been an employee of Chief Supermarket for the past 31 years. In his time there, Troy has learned many valuable skills and has grown not just as an employee, but as a person as well. He has gone from quiet and shy, to a confident and outgoing person. He loves talking with his fellow coworkers and customers, and being as helpful to others as he can be.
Troy’s position has evolved over the years. He currently does carry out, taking groceries out to vehicles for customers. He also started assisting a coworker with pulling sale tags throughout the entire store. He credits a lot of his success to his mentor, Virginia, who has constantly supported Troy in his employment. “Troy makes every day awesome,” says Virginia. “If I’m having a bad day, he’ll make me laugh and on one particular bad day he says to me, ‘hey boss, turn around’ and when I turn around he’s wearing a Batman mask. I started laughing and told him I was taking his picture because this is the best part of my day.”
Having the ability to work and be employed opens up a number of opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities. For Troy, it has helped him achieve a lifetime goal: a trip to Universal Studios in Florida. He was able to meet his favorite character, Spiderman, and have an overall great time at the theme park. Troy isn’t quite ready for retirement yet, but when he is, his first stop will be Universal Studios once again to meet the rest of the Marvel characters.
Reflecting on his last thirty-plus years working at Chief Supermarket, Troy shares this advice for new job seekers, “Pay attention and stick with it. Keep your mind A-Okay and think positive, you’ll be okay.” It seems like this advice extends beyond the new employee; it’s an important reminder for us all.